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Here's why your bill might have been estimated

There are a number of reasons your bill might be estimated

The common reasons which may be behind your bill estimation are:

  • Issues with access to your meter - The Western Power meter reader was unable to access your meter when they arrived onsite for the reading. This may be due to a locked gate, dog or signs of a dog, locked meter box or other obstacles that prevented them from accessing your meter.
  • Meter affected by fault or damage - The meter was affected by a fault or damage that prevented the Western Power meter reader from obtaining a reading. Western Power will replace or repair the meter when this happens, and will normally be in contact with you to arrange a suitable time for this to occur.
  • Issues with your self-read information - If you're a registered self-reader and you were unable to provide these details in time for your billing cycle, or you provided them but it failed validation by Western Power. Meter reads typically fail validation when the new consumption doesn’t fit with past consumption patterns. This can be because the meter has been read incorrectly or because there’s been a change in behaviour or appliances at the premise. Requesting a check read can resolve this for you, the service is free of charge if your readings are correct.
  • Partial interval meter data - If you have an interval meter and your bill has been based on partial estimated interval meter data. This is most commonly due to a Western Power reading prior to the scheduled reading date. This estimated data is normally replaced with actual read data when the meter is next read.
  • Other circumstances - Sometimes, it's simply because Western Power couldn't attend your property to read the meter.

These are the most common reasons your bill might be estimated.

If your bill is estimated the Network Operator, Western Power must estimate in accordance with the estimation methodology prescribed in the Electricity Industry Metering Code 2012.

Further information on meter reading processes can be found on Western Power’s website

You can read more here about why your meter might have not been read.

If you need more time to pay your Synergy bill or would like to set up a payment arrangement to pay in smaller amounts, we can help. We have a range of different payment and support options available to assist you.